Tuesday, September 18, 2018

19 September 2018

No, this is not a test but nevertheless, once again, my new home has passed. My first Yom Kippur, in Haifa’s Wadi Nisnas, I wake up to the silence I was hoping for. Streets are empty except for an occassional car, defying the unspoken ban on driving and the air is cleaner than it usually is at this time of day, at this time of year. Take the dog for a morning walk, businesses are closed except for the macolet down the street where passerbys can still buy bottles of water, soft drinks, tabacco and I’ve been told, grass. Even the German Colony restaurants are empty, silent and vacant. Children on bicycles begin to appear in the streets. Every year on Yom Kippur I think, and wish, that one day every week was like this.